Hello! It's been a month since we have done a blog post and tha
Winter Growing - A Video Insight: Please Watch!

As you can see from the picture above daily harvesting is very low. A very good rose production variety is Magique® and from this harvest we will be lucky to get 3 bunches!
Winter Woes: Why Cut Flower Rose Production Dips in Glasshouses?
Cut flower roses are a popular choice year-round, but their production in glasshouses can significantly decline during the winter months. Several factors contribute to this seasonal downturn:
1. Reduced Light Intensity
Photosynthesis slowdown: Roses, like most plants, rely on sunlight for photosynthesis, the process that converts light energy into chemical energy for growth. Winter's shorter days and reduced sunlight intensity limit this process, slowing down growth and flower development.
2. Temperature Challenges
Optimal temperature range: Roses thrive in specific temperature ranges.
Cold stress: Extreme cold can damage plants, leading to reduced flower production and quality. The overnight very cold nights in Melbourne cause stress on the plants. Even with us heating all day and night, it’s not enough to keep the roses sufficiently content.
3. Disease Pressure
Increased humidity: Winter often brings increased humidity within glasshouses, creating ideal conditions for fungal diseases like powdery mildew and botrytis. These diseases can reduce plant health and flower quality.
Disease control costs: Managing diseases requires increased use of fungicides, adding to production costs.
Cleaning the inside Glass

As you can see in the picture the glass inside our glasshouses can get dirty.
To help get more light into the glasshouses over the winter we are cleaning each and every glasshouse panel, this is a very long process why? Because we have 100,000 panels of glass.
That's correct one hundred thousand panes of glass.
Video of how we are cleaning the inside glass: