Our Classic Roses are in very good production this week!
If you are looking for a good deal or special on roses this week give Darren a call on: 0438 389 937

Rose of the Week: Crème de la Crème™
A beautiful cream classic rose variety with elegant cupped blooms.

Grandiflora Rose Categories Information
Grandiflora categorises it's roses into 3 Classifications:
Classic Roses: are bred by Grandiflora and are selected specifically to be an open-flowering cut rose available all year round. More robust than garden roses, our Classics are large, full-bloomed, single roses.
Premium Roses: have been specifically bred and grown to be cut and displayed in a vase. Cut flower roses are bred to have long, strong stems that will hold the flower upright in a floral arrangement
Clustar Roses: as the name suggests are a formation of a cluster of flowers and buds on each stem known as a truss. All Clustar rose varieties have been bred by Grandiflora.