Our Classic Roses are in very good production this week!
If you are looking for a good deal or special on roses this week give Darren a call on: 0438 389 937

New Classic Rose Variety - Information
As a Rose Breeder, Grandiflora from time to time will have new varieties that are still going through the trial process. These varieties will have a "New Classic Variety" label.
Above is a picture of one of our new trial varieties that we are just loving! How divine is it's very large buds and white colour, it's "the perfect white for Winter"
Please note that we can't take orders for the "New Classic Rose" varieties. However we love to get feedback from our wholesalers what they think of our new varieties.

Rose of the Week: Crème de la Crème™
A beautiful Cream classic rose variety with divine cupped blooms.
Social Media Inspiration!
Here are some great posts we found of Grandiflora Roses on Instagram last week.